Services Available


The Newcastle Mitochondrial Disease Clinic for Adults and Children is a weekly multidisciplinary clinic held in the modern, spacious and comfortable surroundings of the CRESTA clinic facility. A dedicated team of specialist doctors, nurses and therapists provide a comprehensive service for Mitochondrial Disease patients of all ages who travel to Newcastle from all over the UK. For those who live further away we offer follow-up consultations via Skype. For urgent queries the Mitochondrial Disease Nurse Specialist is contactable by phone during normal working hours, while there is an out-of-hours on-call service for ‘mitochondrial' emergencies.

Mitochondrial Reproductive Advice Clinic (MRAC)

The MRAC clinic is undertaken by Prof Gráinne Gorman (Consultant in Mitochondrial Medicine) & Catherine Feeney (Nurse Consultant in Mitochondrial Medicine) at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle. The clinic will review and confirm a genetic diagnosis, assess fitness for pregnancy from a mitochondrial disease perspective and offer psychological support and advice regarding reproductive options for IVF-based techniques, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and mitochondrial donation. Once assessed in this clinic, and if considered appropriate, couples will be referred to the Mitochondrial Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Mito-ART) Clinic at Newcastle Fertility Clinic at Life.


The Newcastle Highly Specialised Mitochondrial Diagnostic laboratory is located within the laboratories of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research at Newcastle University. Alongside clinical colleagues within the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the team have been providing a comprehensive, diagnostic and clinical management service for patients with suspected Mitochondrial Disease for nearly 20 years and have been designated as one of three component groups of the Highly Specialised Rare Mitochondrial Disorders of Adults and Children Service since 2007.


The Mitochondrial Diagnostic Service in Newcastle would like to welcome all patients and users to provide us feedback, including complaints.

If you would like to complain please follow the procedure in Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust found here 

We welcome your feedback - Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (

Referral Pathways

Clinical Referrals

We will only accept referrals via a Neurologist or Geneticist or, in the case of positive familial testing, referrals will be accepted from a GP. Referrals for children can also come from consultant paediatricians.

For clinicians wishing to refer patients for a clinical opinion (either as outpatients or inpatients), please write to Dr A Schaefer (adult referrals) or Prof R McFarland (paediatric referrals) at the following address:

Newcastle Mitochondrial Service
Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research
4th Floor Cookson Building
The Medical School
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone: 0191-282 0340

MRAC Referrals

Please contact your own clinician who can discuss the possibility of a referral to the Newcastle Mitochondrial Reproductive Advice Clinic.

General enquiries can be made via Jane Brown: 

Direct Dial: 0191 2824876

Diagnostic Referrals

Diagnostic samples will be accepted in our laboratory with the completion of the appropriate referral documentation available on our website.  

All enquiries concerning the referral of samples to the laboratory for diagnostic testing should be directed to

Contact Details

Clinical Administrative Team

Telephone: 0191 282 0340
Fax: 0191 282 4373

Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research

Newcastle University
4th Floor Cookson Building
Medical School
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone: 0191 208 3084
Fax: 0191 208 5685

For diagnostic samples

The Newcastle Mitochondrial Diagnostic Laboratory
4th Floor, Catherine Cookson Building
The Medical School
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle NE2 4HH

Tel. 0191-2824375

Clinical Staff


Administration and Support Staff